Thursday, August 15th, 2024 | Server
Last Modified: 2024-11-10
When working with Git, one of the most essential files you’ll create in any project is the .gitignore
file. This file tells Git which files or directories to ignore, meaning they won't be tracked or included in commits. A well-crafted .gitignore
file helps keep your repository clean, avoids committing unnecessary files, and ensures that only relevant code and resources are shared among team members.
# Node.js specific node_modules/ npm-debug.log yarn-error.log .env dist/ # Python specific __pycache__/ *.py[cod] venv/ env/ *.egg-info/ # Ruby specific *.gem *.rbc .bundle vendor/bundle log/ tmp/ .DS_Store # Java specific *.class *.jar *.war *.ear *.iml out/ target/ # Operating system files .DS_Store Thumbs.db *.swp *~ # IDEs and editors .idea/ *.suo *.user *.userosscache *.sln.docstates .vscode/ html/.vscode/ settings.xml .settings .project # Dependency directories node_modules/ vendor/ .bower_components/ .tmp/ # Compiled output /dist /build /public # Logs and databases *.log *.sql *.sqlite *.db # Custom rule for private files /private/ # Dreamweaver sync files dwsync.xml # Unit test reports TEST*.xml # Applications *.app *.exe *.war # Large media files *.mp4 *.tiff *.avi *.flv *.mov *.wmv # Mac System Icon Icon? Icon\r Icon* # HTML, XCD, and scripts html/xcd xcd xlc/api/square/vendor xlc/api/twitter/twitteroauth html/xlc/scripts # Other files and folders to ignore .well-known
**/_development/** **/_notes/** /credentials /messages sftp.json
Input Action Output
A collection of snippets and links that have proven useful for development and programming in ColdFusion, JavaScript, jQuery, PHP, Python, Dell, Minecraft, Apple, Mac, Windows, LINUX, Raspberry Pi, Adobe, CSS, and HTML.
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